Wiring diagram for CAT5 and CAT6 cables

How do you connect the pins in an CAT5 or CAT6 cable? There a several standards, here are a few explained

Wiring diagram for pacth panel and wallboxtp_panelAlso called «BLOG» :  BLue, Orange Green (and Brown )  TP CABLE IN BREIF:

  • TP is short for Twisted Pair.
  • UTP is unshielded. STP is shielded.
  • CAT5 maximum lenght for cable is 100M.
  • The wires should not be untwisted more the 1cm at the terminations points.
  • The bending radius should not be less than 4 times the diameter of the cable
  • Max tensile load while installing is 10KG
  • Solid color wire alwas connects to even numbered pin

To make an crossover cabel, wire one and according to T-568A, the other according to T-568B.

Patch cables – RJ-45 plug
T-568A Normal cat5 cable

T-568B – Used in EuropeUsed in the most pre-assembled CAT 5-cables. Also used in CAT 6

Pin Color  Par  
 1 Green/white SendData +
 2 Green 3 SendData –
 3 Orange/white 2 ReceiveData +
 4 Blue 1 -unused-
 5 Blue/white  1 -unused- 
 6 Orange 2 ReceiveData – 
 7 Brown/white 4 -unused- 
 8 Brown 4 -unused-
Pin Color  Pair  
 1 Orange/white 2 SendData +
 2 Orange 2 SendData –
 3 Green/white 3 ReceiveData +
 4 Blue 1 -unused-
 5 Blue/white  1 -unused- 
 6 Green 3 ReceiveData – 
 7 Brown/white 4 -unused- 
 8 Brown 4 -unused-

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only

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